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home > 供应产品 > Abbe's principle
Abbe's principle
products: Views:6Abbe's principle 
brand: 阿贝原则
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Last updated: 2015-01-17 09:05
Abbe's Principle

< Abbe's Principle (r): Only when the measured axis coincides with the measuring axis of the standard quantity or is on its extension, the measurement will obtain accurate results.

< < r :<: /r? r_b < r/ Abbe’s Principle/>

< Abbe’s Principle is the most basic principle of length measurement. The significance is that it avoids a measurement error caused by guide rail error. Complying with Abbe's principle in calibration and testing can improve the accuracy of measurement. Especially when using instruments that do not comply with Abbe's principle, you must pay more attention to the application of Abbe's principle.
Related questions and answers:

Contents of Abbe’s Principles
Question: What is the specific content of Abbe’s Principles? What are its main applications? Or in which authoritative
Answer: Abbe's principle is a principle commonly used in length measurement. Accurate measurement results can only be obtained when the measured measurement axis coincides with the reference axis of the standard quantity or is on its extension.

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